
学院保留 & 支持项目

Multiple efforts have been undertaken at the department level towards enhancing medical school identified diversity categories for faculty (Black/African American, 西班牙裔/拉丁裔和女性), 与COM的保留工作有关.





描述全体教员 must discuss their commitment to diversity as part of their annual academic expectations meeting with their chair and/or supervisor. In completing the online template for the annual academic expectations agreement, faculty attest to reviewing 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s 医学院 多样性的声明 and agreeing to the following: 承认和尊重大学社区的多样性. 表现出对多样性、机会、包容和公平的承诺.



描述: The Departmental Chair Diversity Plans were described above under 教师招聘. All chairs are required to submit an updated Department Diversity 招聘 Plan to the Dean’s office annually. 各部门须就下列事项作出报告:

  • 部门多元化委员会
  • 提倡多样性
  • Grand rounds or educational efforts that include minority representative speakers
  • 多元化培训工作
  • Departmental sponsorship to diversity and 包容 efforts by students, 居民, 教职员工

Multiple efforts have been undertaken at the department level towards enhancing medical school identified diversity categories for faculty. Each department has their own initiatives and programs to assist with diversity, 包容, 招聘, 以及留住员工的努力. 例如, several departments have established a representative Diversity Committee to evaluate all aspects of departmental commitment to diversity, 包容 and belonging and to recommend programs and policies to achieve these goals. A priority focus of these committees is to recruit and retain 居民, 来自代表性不足群体的教职员工.



描述: The 部门多元化倡导者 program is described above under 教师招聘. Quarterly meetings of Department 提倡多样性s also contribute to retention efforts.



描述: 1997年成立, the FSAD has been committed to the goal of recruiting underrepresented 教职员工 and retaining the ones we have. FSAD believes that it is important to offer ongoing support to the underrepresented 教职员工 who are employed at COM and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. FSAD通过共享信息提供这种支持, 提供专业发展的机会, 一起社交.



描述: In 2019-20, the Office of 教师 Affairs and 教师发展 began a new e-mentoring program to provide practical and real-time support for women faculty at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 补充其他面对面的节目, and to reach those who are not able to find the time to participate in live programming. Program sessions were 30-45 minute web-based conferences where participants met with senior faculty mentors to discuss their CVs, 投资发展, 项目管理, 以及其他技能发展. 本学年共举办三次会议. 该项目正在扩大其课程,并在所有教师中普及, 居民, 以及2020-21学年的学生. The office is also developing a promotion workshop specific for URM faculty this year.

内隐/无意识偏见专业培训 & 发展


描述: In 2019-20, 上州多元化与包容办公室(ODI)的领导, 机构公平办公室, and the 医学院 Office of 多元化和包容性 collaborated to create new campus-wide training programs on implicit/unconscious bias. The curriculum is based on research from higher education and the corporate sector and on results from university climate surveys. Modules are being beta-tested in the 医学院 and will be offered to other sectors of the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 community after assessment. The training programs aim to assist the campus community in advancing its efforts to be a welcoming, 包容的学习环境, 领先创新. 这些模块包括视频和现场简报, and advance through three levels: Beginner–Overcome Unconscious Bias; Intermediate–Addressing Intersectionality; and Advanced–Sustaining an Inclusive Organization. Attendance at one or more training sessions is elective in 2020-21 for all 医学院 students, 教职员工.



描述2020年5月,daryl C. 堤坝, 博士学位, MD, JD, 被任命为上州医科大学的首席多元化官, 包括所有四个学院和临床系统. 他接替了之前的临时兼职CDO. Dr. 堤坝 is a member of the 医学院 Dean’s Committee on 多元化和包容性 (DI) and collaborates with the dean and Committee on DI. 在2020年夏天,Dr. 堤坝 charged a Diversity Task Force to review diversity efforts across the university and make recommendations for enhancing them. 他们的报告定于2020年8月底发布.



描述全体教员 will be required to use the 北州偏见检查表 tool when developing and preparing any curricular content before being presented to students. The tool was developed by a faculty member in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities. 目标是帮助教师识别污名化的内容, 羞愧的事, or promotes bias toward people belonging to a certain group and with certain medical conditions before sharing with students. Tracking of faculty use of the checklist will be part of the course and clerkship annual review process.

医学领域的女性 & 科学(wim)


描述: 医学领域的女性 & 科学(wim) is an association of the entire female faculty of the 医学院, 卫生职业学院 and 护理学院 at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. The overriding goal of WIMS is to enhance the status of women on the college’s faculty. Their task is enhancing the retention and development of existing female faculty and facilitating the 招聘 of new female faculty. From time to time WIMS takes on issues that are important for the success of female faculty at the schools. The group provides networking between women in different departments and support for women at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. WIMS每月召开一次会议. There is a listserve that discusses issues of importance to women faculty at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.