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What is pulmonary hypertension?

What is pulmonary hypertension?


Shortness of breath, dizziness, 腿部肿胀、胸痛或压力是可能表明各种疾病的症状, including pulmonary hypertension. 

这与人们用血压袖带挤压手臂来监测高血压不同. 高血压是影响身体血管的高血压. 肺动脉高压只涉及将血液输送到肺部的血管.

“早期诊断和更积极的治疗可以提高生存率,” says Upstate pulmonologist Birendra Sah, MD. “There’s no cure for pulmonary hypertension, 但如果我们能及早诊断,用适当的药物治疗, that can lead to increased survival.”

 肺动脉高压是由肺部血管增厚引起的, narrowed, blocked or destroyed.

Krithika Ramachandran, MBBS, 是Sah的同事,专攻重症监护和肺部疾病. “Usually the way I explain it to my patients is, I tell them to imagine a balloon with a straw attached to the end. 如果吸管的直径越来越小, 这个气球必须被越来越用力地挤压,才能让气流通过吸管.



诊断可能具有挑战性,因为最初的症状通常是非特异性的. A person may feel short of breath, or tired. 随着病情的发展,腿部可能肿胀,腹部可能因液体潴留而肿胀.

Comparing hypertension and pulmonary hypertension

肺动脉高压是危险的,因为不治疗,它会导致充血性心力衰竭. 心室扩张,将血液推入肺部的能力减弱. 这减少了大脑和身体其他部位的氧气供应.

To treat pulmonary hypertension appropriately, 医疗服务提供者首先要确定患者患有何种类型的肺动脉高压.

一种是肺动脉高压,发生在动脉壁变硬的时候. This may develop because of a gene passed down through families, congenital heart disease, use of certain drugs or illegal substances, connective tissue disorders such as lupus or scleroderma, liver disease or infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. 有些人在不知道原因的情况下患上了这种疾病. 

Sah说肺动脉高压通常用血管扩张剂药物治疗, which help the blood vessels relax. In addition, patients may require supplemental oxygen, or medications to thin the blood, or medicine to help the body remove excess water. Another type, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, 这是由于肺部血管中长期存在的血凝块造成的, 是否可以通过手术清除部分患者的血凝块, 或者用血管扩张剂治疗不适合手术的病人.

他说,其他类型的肺动脉高压通常采用支持性护理治疗. That means some patients may need supplemental oxygen. Some may require blood thinners. Some may need inhaled vasodilators. 大多数人受益于仔细测量他们的液体和盐摄入量以及体重.

Other concerns


“当他们试图保持自己的健康时,这是一条非常危险的路线. 因此,任何事情都需要在采取行动之前进行风险收益比评估,” says Ramachandran.

大多数患者都在服用药物来帮助维持体内的盐和液体平衡, 所以他们必须小心食物的含盐量和服用其他药物.

If they develop a cold, 他们可能无法服用减充血剂,因为它会增加肺部的压力,使心脏更难正常工作. 止痛药布洛芬会影响肝功能和肾功能.

Most of the drugs that treat atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disturbance, work by slowing the heart rate. 这对于患有肺动脉高压的人来说是一个特别值得关注的问题,因为它会抑制心脏已经受损的泵血能力.

Exercise has to be approached with caution, too. 举过头顶的重物是绝对不允许的,因为它会给心脏带来压力. 到高海拔地区旅行,或乘坐飞机,可能需要使用补充氧气.

Multiple causes

肺动脉高压妇女的心血管系统无法承受怀孕的压力,可能危及生命. 此外,许多用于治疗这种疾病的药物会导致胎儿缺陷. 因此,建议患有肺动脉高压的妇女不要怀孕.


由肺部疾病引起的肺动脉高压可能是慢性阻塞性肺疾病(包括肺气肿和支气管炎)的结果, pulmonary fibrosis or obstructive sleep apnea. 

其他健康状况-包括炎性疾病,如结节病和血管炎, blood disorders, metabolic disorders, kidney disease and others – can trigger pulmonary hypertension. And, 患有凝血障碍或肺栓塞的人有患慢性血栓引起的肺动脉高压的风险.

“在过去的10到15年里,治疗这种疾病的前景发生了巨大变化,” Ramachandran says. In the 1990s, a diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension was like a death sentence, with more than half of patients dead within three years. “但现在,它可能是那些你死于而不是死于的疾病之一.”

她解释说,目前有多种药物可以帮助扩张血管和降低血压, so the heart can pump blood through the lungs.


Sah说,肺动脉高压患者与他们的肺科医生保持密切联系, making regular visits for checkups. 

This article appears in the spring 2023 issue of Upstate Health magazine.
